Transaction Advisory Services

Financial Advisory

Our transaction advisory services include bid support, financial due diligence, reporting accountant services, transaction tax and private equity support, vendor due diligence, commercial due diligence, financial modeling, sale and purchase agreement advisory, and vendor assistance. We have a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to assisting you with your transactions every step of the way, alongside a highly qualified network of legal and technical companies. They listen to your needs and provide the necessary support and guidance to ensure a successful outcome.

Our deal advisers work alongside your team, offering a full range of due diligence and deal support services to help you successfully close the deal and achieve your goals. With a deep understanding of the mid-market, we are go-to leaders in this space, providing a more tailored approach that meets your specific requirements.

360 MW
Financial close

CCGT project located in Senegal.

We bring a pragmatic and commercial mindset to our advisory services, challenging assumptions and providing realistic solutions to help you manage risk and achieve your commercial objectives. Our goal is to add value to your transactions by providing expert advice and support that is tailored to your specific needs.

Bid support
Financial due diligence
Reporting accountant services
Transaction tax and private equity support
Vendor due diligence
Commercial due diligence

Schedule a meeting with an expert or request a proposal