Economic Advisory

Economic Advisory

We are committed to purpose for prosperity and demonstrate this through practical policy, industry, and evidence-based insights that promote sustainability, connectedness, and humanity.

Using quantitative and qualitative approaches, we investigate the design and delivery of systems to improve macro and micro economic and social outcomes. This includes conducting labor market analysis and providing advice on public finance reform.

In our studies, we offer evidence-based research and analysis to support policies that leverage trade integration or spur economic growth and development in emerging markets. This includes conducting global value chain analysis, regional economic development analysis, and evaluating donor programs.

Economic modeling and forecasting services guide analyze the impact of decisions on the economy. This includes conducting economic contribution studies, macroeconomics analysis, measuring outcomes and impacts and opinion pieces from our experts. We also provide economic analysis for competition, markets, tariffs, litigation, and regulation matters.

Furthermore, our optimization and prioritization services use economic frameworks to drive allocative and technical efficiency: cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, profitability analysis, feasibility studies, and service planning.

Studies &

Build a better understanding of your market and receive impact-based recommendations.

Our economic advisory services cater to various sectors, including energy, resources, and industrials, financial services, and technology, media, and telecommunications. We have a global network of economic advisors that provide consistent client experiences and deep insights into the issues impacting our clients the most.

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
Labor Market Analysis
Demand and Supply Side Analysis
Global Value Chain Analysis
Economic Modeling and Forecasting
Cost of Service Studies
Cost-Benefit Analysis and Feasibility Studies

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